Why Investing in Home Maintenance Is Worth It

Why Investing in Home Maintenance Is Worth It

Every homeowner knows there is always a never-ending list of things to be done around the house.  Letting these little things go can result in much larger ‘to-do’s’ later on.  The responsibilities of owning a home do not end with paying the mortgage as there is a lot of upkeep that comes with owning a piece of property.  Maintenance the appearance and fixing any issues are important because houses that are not regularly maintained may require costly repairs down the road.  Making investments in maintaining your home throughout the year will save money (and potentially some headaches!) in the future.

Important Areas in Home Maintenance

There are several areas in which homeowners should focus their efforts.  One of the most important areas to concentrate on is the exterior of the house.  Curb appeal goes a long way when potential buyers or renters are considering a house so a newly sealed driveway, new garage doors, updated paint or siding, and attractive landscaping are all desirable.  Broken mechanicals like the HVAC system should be fixed, leaky plumbing should be repaired, and any cracked tiles in the house should be replaced.

Even if you are not planning on selling or renting anytime soon, maintaining these things will pay off in the long run.  The value of your property is higher when it is clean, fresh, and updated so if you don’t have the budget for a complete renovation, small improvements such as a fresh coat of paint or updated fixtures can improve the appearance and eliminate wear and tear.

Benefits of Preventative Home Maintenance

Without maintenance, your house can deteriorate, meaning a loss on your investment.  Regular maintenance projects will protect your investment and keep your house looking attractive.  Beyond keeping up with a home’s appearance, regular maintenance has many benefits.

– Maintain Home Value.  A home is the largest investment that most people make.  Homes that have been properly maintained not only maintain their value but might even increase it.  For example, finishing a basement can increase return on investment by as much as 69%! Potential buyers want a house that does not need a complete overhaul and has been maintained, which improves the chances of a house that is above market value.

– Extend the Life of the Home.  Performing regular maintenance can help a home last longer.  Homes that are cared for need much less in repairs or upgrades.  Appliances last anywhere between 13-15 years on average but maintaining them can get the most out of them.  Smaller investments in house repairs every year can extend the life of a home beyond expectancy.

– Save Money.  Small fixes along the way can save money in the long run.  By doing regular upkeep of appliances and other home systems, a homeowner can save money by having to replace them before their lifespan should be up.  For example, spending the money to replace the roof on the house is better than paying for the damages should the roof collapse. Proactive maintenance costs are usually lower than reactive repair or replacement by increasing energy efficiency and extending the life of components and systems.

– Improve Home Safety.   Improper maintenance can potentially result in unsafe areas around the house.  Each year in the U.S., home electrical fires account for approximately 51,000 fires, almost 500 deaths, more than 1,400 injuries, and $1.3 billion in damage to properties!  Ensuring that the electrical system within a house, as well as smoke detectors, are working well could cut down on these types of incidents.

– Increase Efficiency.  House systems or appliances that are old or not working properly expend more energy than necessary.  Maintaining these systems and replacing them when necessary will increase how efficiently your house runs, which saves you money and reduces your environmental impact.  Even small projects such as sealing drafty windows and doors can cut down on energy costs.

Money that you put toward your house not only increases your enjoyment in living there but can add significant value to it.  When you have properly maintained the house you live in, you know that it is a safe, comfortable, and inviting place to call home.

You’re Trusted Partner

At Ronk Home Maintenance, we understand that proper maintenance is critical to keeping a home’s value intact. That’s why we offer a collection of essential of pre-scheduled maintenance throughout the year to keep your home in great shape.

When you join our program, just sit back and relax as we simplify the process for all your homes service.  Your dedicated home manager will take the guesswork out of finding and scheduling help for all repairs in your home. Let Ronk Home Maintenance take care of your home…… so your home can continue to take care of you.